2024 7 17

Leica MDa / Voigtländer Ultron 35mm F2 Aspherical / Kodak GOLD 200

Right now, my beard is the longest it’s ever been in my life. The last time I grew it out was during the pandemic, and I let it go for about a month, but this time, it’s been over a month. It’s probably around 8 millimeters long. In many Muslim countries, men tend to grow out their beards. If I were to visit a Muslim country next, I’d like to go to Medina in Saudi Arabia or Morocco.
Honestly, I don’t have much to write about today. But hey, even as I’m writing this, my beard is still growing, so I guess that’s something.
July 17, 2024, 11 PM, at the workshop.

2024.7.17 夜11時 工房にて

